Hi music lovers.  Welcome to my site!

Photo by Bekah Stevens – rebekahstevens.smugmug.com

My name is Shannon Runyon and I am a full time musicians and singer/songwriter, based in Park City, Utah (but I will travel to sing!)

I’m so grateful to have been immersed in music my entire life.  My parents and four siblings all played instruments and sang throughout my childhood and doing this together as a young family are some of my favorite memories.  I recorded an album in Houston called ‘Getting Better Road’ where I sang for a decade with an extremely talented duo partner.  I moved to Park City, Utah in 2012 where I really started to thrive and find my place and voice in the world of music.  I love collaborating with and supporting other musicians as much as I do performing.  Music is meant to be shared and I find pure joy in sharing my music with others.  I’m often told I remind people of Jewel or Natalie Merchant but I believe that as long as I am true to myself in voice and music AND give my best, that’s the sweet spot of being a musician.

I play piano and guitar and mostly perform solo but can provide duo, trio and a full band if needed.  You can book me for live music for your restaurant, bar, private party, wedding, etc… I’d be more than happy to help.  I can also provide my own sound system (although I’m happy to plug into your house system if you prefer).  I’m so so happy to be living in the amazing world of music and delighted to share that energy with you…. SO you can book me by emailing me at shannonrunyon@gmail.com.

If you want to see where I’m playing around town you can go to my calendar and/or follow me on instagram!

For my most recently recorded originals – you can listen to on Sound Cloud by clicking here! You can also find me on Spotify, iTunes, etc… just type in my name!

AND click HERE for some of my earlier originals from years ago.

Many of you love birds ask about love songs… CLICK HERE FOR A LIST – I will try to keep up to date.


Originals recorded live The Rockwell Room in Park City, UT by Chad Mobley of Flying Goat Productions:

Recorded live at PCTV


Bangkok Tattoo…

Just You and Me…

I also branched out a little and recorded vocals for a group called “Join the Gang” – give it a listen HERE

Live covers …

This has to go at the end because it’s weird tooting your own horn but this was sent to me by an amazing person and supporter (and contributor) of what I do after bringing friends to hear me perform:

“The purpose of this note is to report the results from an informal-but-lofty committee consisting of four PhD’s, one federal judge, and one surgeon voted unanimously that “that Shannon person” is at least as good as any other female singer in the known universe and, this over-the-hill gang is also ready and willing to pummel anybody who disagrees.  Comments from the committee’s deliberations included: she had such feeling, she had an expressive and soulful voice, and her singing was emotionally charged.”

Professor Richard Lesh (thank you friend 🙂 )

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